Before placing your order, please read the Terms of Service section and the Wait List section! feel free to discuss with me about any option and details that are not listed here via email or instagram DM~ Happy Shopping ♡

commission notes

please read thoroughly

notes before buying

  • only fill the order forms for commission inquiries, DM and e-mail are only for discussing the details of your order.

  • i’m not accepting any order that wants me to draw in other artist art style.

  • i don’t draw NSFW, MECHA, GORE.

  • you are allowed to change the canvas size, the default size of the canvas are written on the carrd.

  • i have the right to post all my commission works on my social media to be my portfolio, but if you're not comfortable with that please discuss it with me before hand.

  • DO NOT printed out and re-selling the commission for any commercial purposes!

  • DO NOT forget to include your e-mail and your most active social media account on the form so i can reach you out.

  • you will be receiving a high resolution illustration in .png and .jpg

  • all of my commission will be watermarked (little watermark) please don’t remove it unless you order a commercial commission.

  • major revision will be charged based on how complex the changes are.

  • i accept payment via PayPal, BCA, and Dana.

  • you can partially pay the order if it’s over 50 usd / 250k , and i will only sending you the final piece after you complete the payment.

  • coloring sketch that i sent will only be for revision purposes only. DO NOT upload them in any social media platform.

  • e-mail me for a business inquiries or an emergency commission.

commission process

  • you must fill out the Google Form first to order my commission.

  • i have the right to not accept your commission if it’s include the things that i don’t draw and i’m not comfortable with. i will personally e-mail or DM you to inform that.

  • once i accepted your order, you will receive an invoice and you will be added to the queue.

  • the stages of the commission process are SKETCH, BASE COLOR, and RENDERING. i will inform you through e-mail on each stage.

  • revision is only allowed for 2 times, on SKETCH and BASE COLOR stage.

  • once you approve the sketch and base color, i will proceed to finish your commission. if theres any minor or major revision you want to change, it will be charged based on how complex the changes are.

  • i will inform you anytime via e-mail or DM but you can also check the WAIT LIST section to see the progress of your commission.

  • i will send you an e-mail or DM first once i finished the commission, if you haven’t complete the payment than i will not sending you the final piece until you complete it first.

payment / cancellation / refunds

  • i only accepting payments via PayPal, BCA and Dana.

  • all payment is non-refundable. i will ask you everytime if you are already satisfied on each stage.

  • if you wants to cancel the commission that i haven’t started yet, and you’re already done full payment then 40% of the payment will be refunded.

  • i only refunds the client full if i can’t seem to finish the commission due to personal reason and things happening on my end.

  • if already order / fill the forms and haven’t sent over the payment after 3 days of correspondent, i have the right to cancel your order.


waiting list

currently working on

- june batch -


finished list

- december batch -
